The Importance of Self Love
In society we are constantly pressured to reach the standard of “perfection”, that you need to have the perfect outer appearance. ⠀⠀
Sometimes we are unaware of how easily it can creep up on us in our everyday life, and we start comparing ourselves - self love is so important. This standard is visible everywhere - the biggest place where it is constantly shown is social media.
Next thing you know, the minutes turn into an hour and you have realised that so many of the photos upon your feed, display this "perfect" body, or life. But in all honesty, this isn't the reality. People only show highlights of their life, and we never know whats really happening behind it all.
Not only do I believe that the message of self love is so important for people of any age, but I know that I have to work on it myself. I have to remind myself that these standards are not realistic, it only masks the true beauty of people - the way you are created is already beautiful.
I believe that taking care of yourself is so important. I have found even small things such as limiting the amount of screen time scrolling on instagram, writing affirmations in a journal, taking a social media break can help a lot.
However my favourite way is by speaking positive words over yourself, speaking Gods promises upon yourself is so powerful.
You are clothed in strength and dignity (Proverbs 31:25)
You can laugh without fear of the future, for God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, of love and a sound mind. (Proverbs 31:25, 2 Timothy 1:7)
Your price is far above rubies (Proverbs 31:10)
Your beauty should come from inside you, the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. That beauty will never disappear (1 Peter 3:3-4)
You can laugh without fear of the future, for God has not given you a spirit of fear but of power, of love and a sound mind. (Proverbs 31:25, 2 Timothy 1:7)
Your price is far above rubies (Proverbs 31:10)
Your beauty should come from inside you, the beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit. That beauty will never disappear (1 Peter 3:3-4)
When you see yourself in the mirror, may you see who He has created you to be.
You are strong, fearless, powerful, graceful, kind and so much more. You are worthy of love and are loved. You are beautiful.
Lets walk on this journey together, lets be people who lift each other up and speak words of growth and empowerment.
Lets be people who are confident in who God made them to be, and radiate his love.
God Bless x